Isaacs Art Center

Jessie Shaw Fisher (1887-1987)

Jessie Shaw Fisher was a distinguished artist who lived in Honolulu and became a very successful illustrator of books, working with authors such as Mary Dillingham Frear and Mary Kawena Pukui.  Fisher also illustrated a large number of children’s books.

She joined the University of Hawai'i faculty in the 1930s and became very involved in the development of the University’s first Art Department which had been under the direction of Huc-Mazelet Luquiens since 1936.  Working closely with Luquiens, Fisher created etchings and drypoints which owed much to Luquiens’ style and technique.

Because much of Fisher’s efforts were spent on University duties and the illustrations of many books, her etchings and drypoints are relatively few in numbers and only very rarely become available on the market.

Jessie Shaw Fisher was born in 1887 and died in 1983.  She is buried in Kawaihao Cemetery in Honolulu.